About us
Great products for great people
Nativeway (Pvt) Ltd is an ISO 9001 certified and an EM1 contractor (CIDA). The company is one of Sri Lanka’s most trusted leaders in comprehensive Integrated Engineering Solutions. Our diverse operations are well received in the fields of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Automation, and Robotics. First established in 1942 as W. Punchibanda & Sons (Pvt) Ltd, the company was re-branded to Nativeway (Pvt) Ltd. This endeavor was part of an aggressive growth-oriented strategy to further diversify the scope of its operations and leadership position in the respective fields.
The company has effectively catered to the diverse requirements of major public and private sector clients spread across the Construction, Health, Hospitality, apparel, and Textiles sectors. Furthermore, the company is geared to service the needs of the Sri Lankan Defence Forces, major Public Sector institutions, and leading Multinational Corporations. Nativeway maintains a growing presence in Bangladesh as Nativeway (Bangladesh) Limited which includes a country office and overseas staff.